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How cannabis affects women

How cannabis affects women 1200 900 Coverleaf

If there’s one area men do more than women, it’s in how much cannabis men consume. Statistics Canada data shows most cannabis consumers – almost twice as many – are…

Medical Tax Credit: Claim the Green to Get the Green

Medical Tax Credit: Claim the Green to Get the Green 1200 900 Coverleaf

Out of pocket medical cannabis costs add up. Because medical cannabis doesn’t have a drug identification number (DIN) issued by Health Canada, medical cannabis generally isn’t covered by most insurance…

Advice for a First Time Cannabis User

Cannabis Can Help with Arthritis

Cannabis Can Help with Arthritis 1200 900 Coverleaf

1 in 5 Canadians, women more than men, have arthritis. As Canadian baby boomers age, a big concern is the rise of chronic arthritis. There’s no cure for arthritis and…

Advice for a First Time Cannabis User

Sports, Cannabis and Brain Injury

Sports, Cannabis and Brain Injury 1200 900 Coverleaf

Sports players know better than most that having a serious concussion and head injury isn’t fun. First, there’s the internal bleeding and swelling of the damaged brain damage. Then there’s…

Advice for a First Time Cannabis User

Advice for a First Time Cannabis User

Advice for a First Time Cannabis User 1200 900 Coverleaf

Always remember, it’s having too much THC that makes you sick – and drowsy. Any first time should end as a good experience. The same is true for cannabis. Unfortunately,…